O Creature! by C. Lombai We were bestfriends before the rift, that time you peed. I locked you inside a room, you innocent breed. You never stopped asking for your most basic needs. Had I not cajoled, you'd have run with vicious speed. In the midst of the black night, wails and wails of pain. Deaf with music, if you bang on the door, what gain? Debased by cruelty, your innocence remains? I avert my eyes! Ignorance I cannot feign. O creature, under wrath's behest, what did I do? Effluvium--beside the door I smell it too. The acid sweat, and the incessant cries from you. My heart trembles. Weak. But my eyes are dry for you. An angel from the skies became him who unlocked The door of hell because heaven for you was blocked. Before you fled, you looked back, inhuman figure. Why did the color of your eyes change, O creature? Not a chance you feared me, the way you looked at me; In that window, visible were your two red eyes. Unlike you I'd rather forget like it's all lies. I...